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  • Writer's picturecarolnash8765

What to Remember When You Are Interacting with a Person Behind Bars

Updated: Jul 16, 2018

There are millions of women and men who are in prisons all over the world for crimes that they committed. You need to always know the rules of your country so that you are not caught on the wrong side of the law because that will make you go to prison. Despite these people being in prison, they all have a history such that they have where they originated from, and they also have family and friends. Although there are millions of prisoners in the world; they still have the same necessities and demands as the normal human being. Friendships are important and that is why prisoners have the chance of interacting with those people who are outside, and as an outsider you need to be aware of some things. Because there are things that you need to keep in mind when communicating; this text will try to highlight some of those things.

As part of the communication process, you will not use email because prisoners are not allowed to use computers nor do they have access to them. Therefore, all the letters need to be sent using the normal mail system. As a friend of an inmate who has not provided their listing, their letters will not be received because they are not recognized. Because prisoners do not have any source of income, they might rely on their friends and families to provide them with the money for buying the things that they require. Some of these necessities include pencils, stamps, candy, and underwear. When you are sending money to an inmate, ensure that you do not drain your account as a way of pleasing them. Remember that what they say might be deceiving.

Verification of information from your convict pen pals might not be truthful, and that is the reason you need to be careful. When an inmate states that they love you, you should not be quick to accept that it is the truth and this happens with normal relationships too. You should not make the mistake of giving out information especially that which is touching on you like social security number. If you are sending out a letter to your inmate pen pal, you need to keep the letter short and convey the information that you need. The reason why you should not get into many details on the sending of the first letter is because you need to provide a good description of yourself.

When you are sending your first letter, give a good description of yourself and incorporate your details such as age, weight, height, hair color, eye color, glasses and also the race and that will make them easy to identify with you. Apart from deciding to describe yourself, you can make the process easier for your inmate by sending your letter together with a photograph of yourself. Find out more about gay prison pen pal here!

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